Ας ξεκινήσουμε με το τί σημαίνει κατάθλιψη. Η κατάθλιψη είναι μια διαταραχή διάθεσης η οποία επηρεάζει αρνητικά τη σκέψη, ενεργητικότητα, συγκέντρωση, προσοχή, ύπνο, όρεξη, ερωτική επιθυμία. Τα …
Being responsible for your life
Many times we think we do not define our lives. It looks as if we believe that our life is ruled by the forces of fate. So we expect the situation to be changed in order our lives to be changed. So …
Phobias are related to an irrational fear, for example of insects, animals, blood, elevators, airplanes, tunnels, thunderbolts etc. People realize that their fear is excessive, but they can’t handle …
Thoughts and emotions
During the day we feel different emotions. They can be positive such as joy, gratitude, optimism or negative such as anger, frustration, anxiety etc. How are these feelings formed? One might reply …